Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Search for Media in Windows 8 Media Player Library

Use Windows Media Player to quickly and easily find, load, and play your music, video, and pictures.
Although you can play your media files – music, videos, and pictures from Windows Media Player Library, they’re usually stored inside Windows libraries on your PC.

1) Search for items in your Player Library

It’s often a good idea to provide accurate and complete information about your media files because your library uses them while searching.
Open Windows Player
a.       Swipe in from the top right corner of the screen, and then tap Search. If you’re using a mouse, then drag it to the lower-right corner of the screen and click Search.
b.      In the search box type Windows Media Player, tap or click Apps, and then tap or click on Windows Media Player.
c.       In the search box, enter the keyword that you want to find. While searching for the files, you’re not allowed to use wild characters such as ‘*’ or ‘?’.

2) Find where a file is stored on your PC

If you want to find a file on your PC through Windows Media Player, do the following.
Open Windows Player
a.       Swipe in from the top right corner of the screen, and then tap Search. If you’re using a mouse, then drag it to the lower-right corner of the screen and click Search.
b.      In the search box type Windows Media Player, tap or click Apps, and then tap or click on Windows Media Player.
In the Player Library, browse to the file you want to find on PC.
Either swipe across or right-click the file, and then tap or click Open file location.

There are your tips on how to search for items on Windows Media Player on your PC and find the location where your files are stored.

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